Geranium Leaf

Hello again,

I noticed how the light from my window shines through the leaves of the plants and thought it would be really neat to take a close up of some. I took some photos of the geranium leaves which turned out interesting. I feel like I am running out of ideas because everything is covered in snow right now. lol Winter is a time where I don’t normally take many photos so this project has been really good so far to stretch me creatively. The reason it has been good is that it is challenging me to find something/anything to take photos of that can turn into a something that people would want to see. I really have to look at everyday objects in a new way to discover photos waiting to be taken. Thank you to everyone who is joining me through this as well as anyone who is visiting for the first time. 🙂 Anyways, here is the photo. 🙂 I turned it into a black and white because I found that the details of the leaf really came out so much more than if it was in colour. I hope you enjoy it. 🙂


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