Self Portrait

Hello again,

I have read about how important it is to share a self-portrait of yourself during these challenges and one reason that stood out is that people like to know who you are. They like to know what you look like and it helps people to connect with you better. For some, this may not be an issue to share what is now known as a selfie, but for me, it is rather difficult. There is a lot about me that I don’t like or I am critical of. lol I prefer to stay behind the camera. lol So that is why it has taken this long for me to share a photo of me. I thought it would be fun to have my camera with me in the photo since this is a photo blog. 🙂 I used a filter to have some fun with it. I am just wearing my hoodie that I wear around the house as well. This is me as I am every day at home. 🙂 I took the photo with my phone camera on a tripod and it is a Samsung Note 3 which uses voice to take photos. So I say “shoot” or “smile” and it takes a photo which is quite fun. I explain this so you know how I get a photo of me with both hands in the photograph. lol 🙂


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