#tbt – Last Spring’s Crocus

Hello again,

Today I am doing another #tbt. This month has been really difficult physically so it is tough to take pictures every day. Having one day each week that I can do a photo from the past year and isn’t quite current is very helpful. I don’t like to talk about my physical issues too much but I would like to quickly explain. I am waiting for back surgery to fix a crack in the fusion of my spine. My spine was fused to fix Kyphosis but I keep having complications. Anyways, I deal with a lot of pain while I am waiting for surgery. I was supposed to have surgery in December but it didn’t happen. Having surgery postponed kind of makes this project difficult but I had planned to do this and didn’t want to wait to do it any longer. I have wanted to do this for a while now but keep putting it off till I am better but things keep coming up. Anyways that is what is happening and why I am doing this project despite physical issues. I am tired of putting my life on hold so I am doing this project and just working around some things to make it work. 🙂 Anyways here is the photo. I thought of sharing it because today was so warm and felt like spring. 🙂 I can’t wait for winter to be over and spring to come. 🙂 I love seeing everything come back to life.



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