My Snapdragon seedlings

Hello again,

Today I decided to take some photos of my snapdragon seedlings (in the greenhouse) that I am growing because I find them so cute. 🙂 It is also super windy outside and practically impossible to get a good shot of anything because everything is moving in the wind. I did manage to get more crocus photos but I think I have posted plenty of those already. lol They are so close to the ground that they are not as affected by the wind. For the photos I just used my telephoto lens and then cropped the photos a LOT in Photoshop so that the little seedlings fill up more of the photo. They should technically have been planted much sooner and should be much bigger by now but stuff/life happened and they got planted late. oh well. At least they are not any smaller? 🙂 I find it neat when I take close-ups of plants because I notice details I don’t see otherwise. Like little seedlings are covered in tiny hairs.

snapdragon seedlings2b snapdragon seedlings_edited-1

Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. Here is a couple more crocus photos from today. 🙂crocus_edited-1 crocuses

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