My Calendula Seedlings

Hello again,

I have another flower photo today. I was planning to take some more photos of my kitties but forgot. I could have gotten a photo of a Eurasian Collared Dove that stopped by for a few minutes if my camera had been in its usual spot that I could have grabbed it. Still kicking myself on that one. I have never seen a dove visit our place before and it was quite pretty. But it definitely was the collared Dove. I hope that maybe it will stick around and I can get a photo of it still. So I am sharing a photo of my Calendula Seedlings. It isn’t a great photo but this is all I took photos of and time got away from me so this is what I have to post for today. I am also sharing a photo of our Glory of the Snow flowers that I took yesterday. I thought of maybe just using that photo as the main photo for today but decided against it. It is kind of fitting maybe to share a photo of them because it is supposed to snow overnight and tomorrow. lol

calendulas glory of the snow_edited-1

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2 Responses to My Calendula Seedlings

  1. bclandrum57 says:

    That is beautiful! May I ask what kind of medium you are using to grow your Calendula? And are the Glory of Snow plants in containers as well? I see a mourning dove every day here in Pensacola, FL, would you like me to share some photos?


    • heatherv11 says:

      I am using potting soil with perlite as it seems to do well. They will eventually go in hanging baskets. 🙂 the Glory of the snow are in the ground as well as the crocuses. I would LOVE to see some photos of a mourning dove! I will have to check out your blog too!


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