Tag Archives: Jack


Hello again, Today I was trying to take photos of Chloe and Jack kept trying to get in between so I think he wanted his photo taken. 🙂 So I had to get photos of him obviously. 🙂 I think … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Cats, close up, Taken with LG G4, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Hello again, Today was one of those days that I just couldn’t get any photos. It isn’t that there wasn’t stuff to take photos of but I just had a rough day. So I am sharing a photo that I … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Cats, close up, Taken with Canon Rebel T5i, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Jack back again :)

Hello again, This post is for yesterday because for the first time, it wasn’t internet but my darn computer that wouldn’t work. lol Internet was working but the computer was not. So I had to wait till today when my … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Black and white, Cats, close up, Taken with Canon Rebel T5i | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Jack and I Playing in the Leaves

Hello again, This morning, I went outside for a bit because it was gorgeous weather and I wanted to take some of it in. We got to a high of 22 today!!! I love hot October days. 🙂 I was … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Cats, Photos taken with Samsung Galaxy Note 3 | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Hello again, This post is for yesterday and I feel like a broken record saying this… but yes…. the internet is the reason. Some day it will work properly. I barely got on here tonight. One day this week, I … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Cats, Taken with Canon Rebel T5i | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Jack Stopping by to say hi :)

Hello again, Today I thought I should share a photo of Jack again. Ben stopped by and my other kitty has been by on numerous occasions so Jack needs another post too. 🙂 I need to be fair you know. … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Cats, Photos taken with Samsung Galaxy Note 3 | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment


Hello again, Today I didn’t work very hard on a photo because I wasn’t doing so well today. I had a very long day yesterday and spent today trying to basically recover. But I did get some photos. I just … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Cats, close up, Taken with Canon Rebel T5i | Tagged , , , | 21 Comments


Hi Again, Well I finally got the previous post posted a few minutes ago after trying to post it for the past 3 hours. Lol so I am going to quickly write today’s post as well while the Internet seems … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Cats, Photos taken with Samsung Galaxy Note 3 | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Jack :)

Hello again, Another crazy day and I almost forgot to take photos today. But I was outside with Jack and Ben and decided to try to get him to sit on a chair and I would take a photo. I … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Cats, close up, Photos taken with Samsung Galaxy Note 3 | Tagged , , | Leave a comment